Concord Resources is a commodity merchant trader with a focus on non-ferrous metals and associated minerals.
Concord was founded in 2015 by our senior management in partnership with entrepreneurial and experienced natural resource investors from around the world.

Concord has grown to become one of the leading global independent metals and minerals traders with shareholders from around the world. We are in business so that commercial partners with Concord of every size and sector can purchase or sell commodity products with confidence in our group as a reliable, helpful counterparty.
Concord’s mission is to be an active participant in the global metals markets while adding value for our commercial partners and achieving strong returns for our investors. Concord remains a private group, domiciled in Bermuda with operating offices in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Hong Kong, and representatives in Mexico, China, Switzerland, Chile and Australia. Concord is owned by its management and a globally diverse group of experienced private investors and institutions with deep experience in financial markets and natural resources.
Concord has proven to be a resilient, disciplined and durable group, growing steadily and consistently since its founding. Every day our team purchases, markets and moves thousands of tons of metals, minerals and ores around the world on trucks, trains and ships for our clients and partners while positioning our capital for optimal returns through rigorous research and disciplined risk management. Concord has been profitable every year since its founding and makes extensive use of merging financial market and physical commodity market knowledge to optimize our business strategy.

Our Approach
Responsive and entrepreneurial
Concord is a responsive organisation that adapts to market dynamics and opportunities. Our team is entrepreneurial, building solutions and relationships based on transparency, trust and creative thinking. As a group founded from scratch our team appreciates the challenges in building a business and managing risks.
Founded on experience
Concord is a supplier, partner and market participant that delivers value to producers and consumers of commodities by managing the market, operational, financial and quality risks inherent in global commodity markets. Some of the most significant business activities undertaken by the Concord team in the past are successful resource marketing partnerships built by being a reliable, responsive and helpful counterparty for companies, governments, and organizations around the world. We believe we have an experienced global team that takes responsibility in each area of their specific competency to add value to our commercial partners, and our group.
Research and value driven
Concord aims to add value to its partners, suppliers and customers by providing reliable services that enhance and optimise their business and help to manage risks while capitalizing on opportunity. We conduct rigorous fundamental research on the metal markets, and the global economy and form views on the evolving resource business dynamics to better position our assets and to aide our commercial partners.

Our Business
Concord is a global merchant trader focused on the trading, marketing, and risk management of metals, minerals and related ores. Through our activities as a risk taker, financier, and logistics manager, we unite producers and consumers along a supply chain, from sourcing, price management, transportation and storage to delivery and providing credit.

Experts in logistics and supply
Each day our teams around the world play an important role managing the trading, logistics and risk management of commodities between our suppliers, clients and partners, who range from large to small mines, refineries and smelters, to industrial consumers and fabricators of metal products.

Facilitators of growth
Our global industry and role in the supply chain of non-ferrous metals supports the manufacturing of industrial products used in applications that play an important role in all our daily lives. Concord’s business is to support the smooth flow of critical raw materials that ultimately have relevancy to products for almost every person on the planet.

Informed market specialists
Concord conducts research to form views on developments in the global natural resources industries, economics and geopolitical changes that impact the global commodity markets while maintaining close commercial relationships with leading financial institutions, insurers, shipping and logistics providers.

Global partner
We have built long-term relationships and conducted business around the world based on reliability, trust, and quality service with a significant number of mining companies, refineries, smelters, traders, shippers, warehousing specialists, industrial consumers, and fabricators, of all sizes. This global network of trusted contacts allows us to be a responsive participant to evolving changes and commercial partner needs by connecting opportunities around the world.